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Cross River Assembly Passes Its Service Commission Amendment Bill 2024

The Cross River State House of Assembly has passed its Service Commission Amendment Bill 2024.

In a plenary held at the Assembly Chambers on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, the motion raised for the amendment of the bill to pass through a second reading was presented by Hon. Linus Etim, a member representing Akamkpa II State Constituency.

The House assured that the Bill will be forwarded to the Governor of the State, Senator Bassey Otu for assent after some sections of the Assembly Service Commission Law are in tandem with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria provisions as amended.

The sponsor of the Bill, Hon. Linus Etim explained that the variance in the law exists mostly in the area of the rights of the Deputy Clerk and the Clerk of the House which equates to the positions of permanent secretaries and the State Head of Service respectively.

The lawmaker, further stated that the amendment will repose in the Speaker of the House, the power to recommend the appointment of the Assembly’s Clerk.

Overseeing the successful passage of the bill, the Speaker of the House, Rt. Hon. Elvert Ayambem maintained that the 10th Assembly remains committed to improving the well-being of its workforce, and to correcting all anomalies provided in the law.

By Mary Bassey, House of Assembly Correspondent
