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Cross River Government Assures Investors of a Favorable Environment For Business

The Government of Cross River State has offered support to global investors willing to invest in the State as a tax haven.

Governor Otu gave the commitment when he hosted top global Chief Executive Officers in Lagos State, Nigeria’s economic capital at a breakfast meeting aimed at enhancing the tourism fortunes of the State.

In his words: “Your presence here speaks volumes of your confidence and support for my administration. I don’t take that for granted at all. For those of you willing to do business in Cross River State, we assure you of every incentive and support to do business including tax holidays and lots more.”

“For all the banks, manufacturers, and every other business willing to come to our State, we assure you of great opportunities to make good fortunes in terms of fantastic government policy, regulations, and conducive business environment,” the governor assured.

Governor Otu also expressed his administration’s determination to create an enabling environment for all businesses to thrive.

The Chairman of the State’s Carnival Commission, Mr. Gabe Onah, expressed the State government’s willingness to grow the tourism sector, calling on investors to see the State as an investment destination of choice.
