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Cross River Government Rewards Nyanghasang Youths For Fighting Crime

The Executive Governor of Cross River State, Sen. Bassey Otu has presented a cash donation to some youths of Nyanghasang Community in Calabar Municipality for playing pivotal security roles in combating crime in the area.

Recall that Otu had earlier promised during the inaugural media parley with the press in the State that he will reward community leaders and persons who will help with useful security information that will lead to the apprehension of kidnappers and other criminal elements in the State and has kept to his promise.

The Governor represented by his Chief of Staff, Hon. Emmanuel Ironbar, assured all citizens of his administration’s willingness to partner with the people to ensure the security of lives and properties.

The reward is coming after the youths of Nyanghasang Community assisted the security operatives in apprehending some criminals who led the kidnap of one Mrs. Caroline Bassey, former staff of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) at her residence in Calabar.
