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Cross River Health Sector Gets Boost From State Government

The Cross River Ministry of Health has commenced routine checks of health facilities and training institutions in the State.

The State Commissioner of Health, Dr. Janet Ekpenyong has toured Lawrence Henshaw Memorial Hospital and Research Center in Calabar, to ascertain the level of activities and compliance to the visions and plans of the State Government in ensuring prompt and quality health service delivery.

Upon arrival, the Commissioner was received by the management team led by the Medical Superintendent of the institution, Dr. Kenneth Takim who briskly proceeded to take the team on a detailed facility tour to ascertain the state of infrastructure maintenance and service delivery in the hospital.

Speaking during the visit, Dr. Janet expressed dissatisfaction over the standard of the facilities whilst charging them to put in more effort to ensure a top-notched delivery of health services to patients.

She, however, assured them that the government will not renege on its commitment, adding that renovation of the facility will commence immediately.

Similarly, the Director General of the Cross River State Primary Health Care Development Agency (CRSPHCDA) Mrs. Abasi-Offiong Offiong has distributed 25 solar direct drive cold chain equipment to some LGAs to help maintain potent vaccines across the State.

In line with the national gold of one functional piece of equipment per ward, Mrs. Offiong said the gesture is to help provide potent vaccines nearer to all communities in the State and prevent vaccines preventable diseases as and when due without delays.

She thanked all supporting partners for their unending support and encouraged all benefiting LGAs to ensure the equipment is well maintained.

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