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C'River: Respite For Air Travelers As CRSG, Air Peace Broker Deal For More Flights To Calabar

In a move tailored towards boosting the state's image as a destination for business and leisure and drive traffic to the state for Carnival Calabar, the Cross River State Government has brokered an understanding with Nigeria's leading airline, Air Peace, to increase its flight services to the Margaret Ekpo International Airport, Calabar, ahead of the Carnival Calabar International Festival in December.

This is coming at the heels of Ibom Air's recent decision to suspend all flight services to Calabar at this critical yuletide season, citing technical challenges as the reason for its action.

Addressing Journalists in Calabar, the state capital, Commissioner for Aviation, Eno Inah (Rtd) disclosed that government has also concluded plans to ensure that flights from the state-owned fleet, Aero- Cally, to Calabar to cushion the effect of Ibom Air's flight suspension would Commence, next week, Thursday, 30, November, 2023.

Capt Inah called on air travellers planning to visit Cross River State to savour the splendour of its internationally acclaimed Carnival Calabar International Festival to remain calm, as these flight options intervention take effect and are available for them to explore to make air travel into Calabar during the Yeltilude under control easy.

By The Beagle News
