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As Christians across the World commemorate Easter Celebration, His Excellency, Rt Hon. Dr. Peter Odey has enjoined Christians and Cross Riverians to imbibe the virtues of Jesus Christ which is to love one another with pureness of heart and sincerity of purpose.

He reminded them that love is what rules the world and conquers even the darkest of places, noting that Christ is the greatest teacher of love.

According to him, "The resurrection of Jesus Christ reminds us of the love of the Father. It brings to mind His loving kindness for mankind and what Christ represents. It should draw us back to Christ and the counsel of God for your life shall stand.

"As we celebrate the burial and resurrection of Christ, may we be reminded that love is what rules the world. Love conquers even the darkest of places and Christ is the greatest teacher of love. It is my earnest prayer that you experience peace, soundness of mind and body and the love of the Father in your hearts."

He charged Christians to use the period to pray for the state, country and leaders at all levels.

The Deputy Governor used the opportunity to expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the good people of Cross River State for their unwavering support to the present administration under the able leadership of the 'People First' Governor, His Excellency, Senator (Prince) Bassey Edet Otu.

He wished Cross Riverians and Christians a glorious Easter celebration.

By The Beagle News
