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Enhancing Governance: Property Enumeration Training in Calabar

In a bid to enhance urban planning and development, the Cross River State Government recently conducted a Property Enumeration Training Exercise aimed at cataloging properties within Calabar. This initiative signifies a crucial step towards modernising administrative processes and fostering data-driven decision-making in the State.

Property enumeration is a systematic process of identifying, documenting, and categorizing properties within a defined area. It involves gathering essential information such as property dimensions, land use, and ownership details. This data serves as a foundational resource for urban planning and infrastructure development purposes.

The primary objective of the Property Enumeration Training Exercise is to establish a comprehensive database of properties within Calabar Metropolis. By accurately documenting properties, the government seeks to improve governance efficiency and facilitate resource allocation.

The training initiative commenced on the 23rd of February, 2024, at Beelaj Restaurant, attracting a turnout of 91 individuals eager to contribute to the enumeration exercise. Led by Mr. Brown Okoi, the Project Manager, participants were briefed on the significance and scope of the exercise.

Following Mr. Okoi's presentation, Mr. Joseph from Nugi Technologies, the technology consultant of the State, conducted a comprehensive training session on the utilization of the property enumeration application. Participants were equipped with the necessary skills to effectively navigate the digital tools essential for the enumeration process. The training session also included practical demonstrations and hands-on exercises to ensure proficiency in using the application.

After the training, participants underwent examinations to assess their understanding and readiness for the task. Selected individuals from the assessment process received further training at the Nugi Technologies Office, preparing them for the official enumeration task.

With the completion of training and preparation, enumerators and supervisors who were selected commenced the official enumeration exercise on the 6th of March, 2024. Armed with knowledge and equipped with technology, they embarked on the task of documenting properties across Calabar Municipality.

The Property Enumeration Training Exercise in Calabar represents a significant endeavor towards modernizing governance processes and fostering inclusive development. By harnessing the collective efforts of stakeholders and leveraging technology, the Cross River State Government is creating a more efficient, transparent, and data-driven governance framework. As the enumeration exercise progresses, its impact is expected to resonate positively, laying the groundwork for sustainable urban development and improved service delivery in the State.
