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In a bid to ensure an effective and efficient administration of Cross River State, the Governor, Sen. Bassey Edet Otu has approved the deployment of 4 permanent secretaries.

The redeployment notice was issued on Tuesday, 12th July, 2023 and signed by Timothy Ogbang Akwaji, Head of Service. Its reference no is GO/HOS/99/S. I/VOLI/101.

The redeployments take immediate effect.

Those affected are:

  1. Orok Bassey Okon from the Department of Conflicts Resolution, Office of the Deputy Governor to Exco Secretariat.
  2. Ufono Gabriel Atah from the Ministry of Power to the Ministry of Agriculture.
  3. Ekpe Bassey from the Ministry of Special Duties to the Ministry of Power.
  4. Emmanuel Asikpo-Okon from PS/SCOP to the Ministry of Special Duties.
