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Governor Otu to construct 10 new roads infrastructure in Cross River

Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure in Cross River, Mr Ankpo Edet

Cross River State Government is set to commence the construction of ten new  roads across the state.

The Commissioner for Works and infrastructure, Ankpo Pius, stated this in his office during an interactions with journalist on Wednesday .

According to him, Governor Bassey Otu led administration met poor roads infrastructure and was desirous in taking the state back to recognition.

He said the Governor Otu led administration has so far completed a number of roads infrastructure across the state in Calabar Municipal Council and other part of the state.

“As we speak, there are ongoing roads infrastructure across the state in the Northern Senatorial District. For instance, the road to the deputy governor’s senator district was impassable and many others.

He revealed that the Adiabo-Ikoneto road will soon commence construction by Governor Bassey Otu Administration.

The Commissioner also said the legacy projects of Senator Ben Ayade Administration would be completed in May 2024, adding that the administration would commission the Cargo Airport while work at the Bakassi deep seaport would also commenced.

By Patrick Abang, National Accord
