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NSCDC Seeks Partnership With State Assembly To Tackle Vandalism, Others

The Speaker of the Cross River State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Elvert Ayambem has assured the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) of proactive measures and motions to reduce vandalism in the State.

He gave the assurance during the NSCDC courtesy visit to the Assembly on Tuesday, February 20, 2024.

During the meeting, the Speaker received congratulations from the Corps Commandant Charles Brown.

Hon. Ayambem said the proposed changes and concerns brought before him would be channeled to the Executive Governor of the State, Sen. Prince Bassey Edet Otu for consideration.

He averred that “With Sen. Prince Bassey Otu as our Governor, things are even more promising. He is the people’s Governor, and we are committed to making the Cross River State safer.”

The Speaker also promised to provide immediate support, to effectively channel obstacles, and to improve the NSCDC’s working conditions by drilling a solar borehole at the State command to supply water.

He noted the importance of the State Assembly in society and sued for a working relationship to raise awareness of citizens’ shared responsibility for security.

“We came here to congratulate you on your election as the speaker of the 10th assembly. We also came to partner with the 10th assembly because of its vital role in society. We can use members of every constituency to reach out to every nook and cranny of the State to preach that security is everyone’s business,” Charles Brown said, as he sought support of the House in curbing criminal activities.

By Mary Bassey, House Of Assembly Correspondent
