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Obong Of Calabar Forum Lauds Lagos-Calabar Road Construction, Calls For Prompt Completion

In a significant development concerning the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway, His Eminence Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu V, the Obong of Calabar, has praised President Bola Ahmed Tinubu for initiating the highway’s construction. He also called for the project to progress simultaneously from both the Calabar and Lagos ends.

At a press briefing held at his Palace in Calabar on Friday, the Obong of Calabar and his Executive Forum emphasized the economic benefits of the highway project and urged all Nigerians to support it.

The Obong of Calabar Executive Forum (OCEF), in a statement jointly signed by its Chairman, High Chief Gershom Henshaw, and Secretary, Dr. Maurice Ekpenyoung, described the Lagos-Calabar Coastal Highway project as a “strategic national infrastructure that will transform the economic landscape of the entire country.” The statement highlighted the project’s potential to address socioeconomic challenges and unlock new opportunities, creating a brighter future for Nigeria.

“The OCEF urged the President to ensure the simultaneous construction of the highway from both Lagos and Calabar to expedite project delivery and mitigate inflation-related risks,” the statement read.

On behalf of His Eminence Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu V and the Efik Nation, the OCEF called on all stakeholders to support the successful execution of the crucial highway project. They emphasized that the project would significantly enhance the country’s economic landscape and contribute to the realization of a new Nigeria.

The OCEF further stated that if construction begins simultaneously from Lagos and Calabar, and is entrusted to several competent contractors with close supervision from the Minister of Works and his team, the project could be completed within President Tinubu’s administration.

Praising President Tinubu’s vision for the country, the OCEF also appealed to all communities along the highway’s route to cooperate fully to ensure the project’s timely completion and commissioning.

Godwin Otang, Cross River Watch
