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Sectoral Review of the Sen. Otu’s Administration

It is the cardinal responsibility of Government to provide infrastructure, security and create an enabling environment for economic growth and opportunities for citizens.

In light of these responsibilities, the purpose of this series is not meant to blow our trumpet, but to provide verifiable and credible information of the state government’s dedicated effort in fulfilling her obligations to the citizens.

This series seeks to showcase the progress made, address any concerns and gather feedback from the public in line with the "People First" policy of the Governor Bassey Otu’s administration.

Ultimately, the goal is to foster a sense of partnership and collaboration between government and citizens in achieving shared goals of progress, development and prosperity.

This sectorial analysis of the current administration's achievements since inception begins with INFRASTRUCTURE and will continue with other sectors in subsequent episodes.

The provision of infrastructure by government is essential for economic growth, improved living standards, social inclusion, environmental sustainability, and attracting investments. It is a fundamental responsibility of government to invest in and maintain infrastructure to support the overall development and well-being of its citizens.

The Sen. Bassey Otu led administration has demonstrated a strong commitment to infrastructural development in the State. The ongoing projects in road rehabilitation, remodeling and reconstruction of State's assets, environment and waste disposal, ongoing rehabilitation in the state water board, among others, reflect government's dedication to improving the lives of its citizens, fostering economic growth, and creating a conducive environment for development and opportunities.

Below are ongoing infrastructural developments in the State:

1. In promoting academic pursuit and research, the state government has awarded a contract for the refurbishment and furnishing of the state's ultra-modern library complex. The state library, which is currently in proximity to ruins, is undergoing a major renovation to restore its splendor.

This project aims to create a world-class learning environment that will cater, not only for the academic needs of students and researchers, but also serve as a hub for fostering friendship and cultural exchange.

The renovated library will not only be a center for knowledge but also a place where visitors can enjoy sightseeing and experience the rich heritage of the state.

The state government is committed to creating a space that combines academic excellence with a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere, ensuring that the library becomes a destination for both intellectual pursuits and leisure exploration

2. Power and Energy: Recognizing the importance of reliable electricity supply for economic growth and improved living standards, the administration has invested heavily in power infrastructure. A hundred and fifty-four million naira (N154,000,000) has been disbursed to the State Electrification Agency (SEA) to power our semi-urban and rural areas.

3. The Calabar International Convention Centre (CICC), an ultra-modern facility, which was undergoing renovation after EndSars protest attack, is complete. Calabar International Convention Centre, which has a brand-new look, recently, played host to the state investment summit, Paradigm Shift. This event brought together investors from all over the globe and resulted in agreements and pledges totaling over one billion dollars in investment.

4. Ongoing Rehabilitation in Water Board: Government has prioritized the provision of clean water supply especially to residents in the Calabar Metropolis.

The ongoing rehabilitation in Water Board is a comprehensive  and multi-faceted process that includes infrastructure upgrades, pipelines and technological advancement to ensure optimal performance aimed at improving the overall functionality and effectiveness of the board.

5. Road Rehabilitation: The road rehabilitation efforts in the metropolis, under the initiative "operation zero potholes" showcases the state government dedication to improving the overall road infrastructure and ensuring a safe commuting experience for residents and visitors alike

6. The Governor's Office Complex is being remodeled and renovated: of particular note is the complete makeover being given to the Governor's Office. It was in a deplorable state and unsuitable for government operations. It is expected to be operational soon.

7. Reconstruction and beautification of the Millennium Park to promote tourism as well as the reconstruction of SEMA and RAMP warehouses

8. As could be seen in Calabar South and, perhaps, in Obanliku and Yala, this administration introduced the use of concrete slabs as a template for road construction which guarantees the roads' assured longevity, suggesting that money that would have been meant for regular maintenance would, instead, be invested in other crucial areas of growth. The 1.2Km concrete-paved Nyong Edem Street in Calabar South and Muri Eke Avenue in Calabar Municipality is estimated to be operational for over fifty years.

9. Rehabilitation and construction of key roads in Calabar Municipality, Calabar South, Ogoja, Obanliku and Obudu within the last 5 months. Other roads are Edet Ansa Farm Access Road and Etap Ayip Road, in Calabar Municipality;

10. The establishment of an Aviation teaching School in Bebi, Obanliku by an Irish Aviation Company marks a significant milestone for the region. Under the visionary leadership of Sen. Bassey Otu, the administration is fully committed to providing world-class training opportunities in the field of aviation and aeronautics to Cross Riverians

11. N3.7 billion has been allocated for the Obudu Cargo and Passenger Airport's completion.

The ongoing efforts in the area of infrastructure in Cross River State are a testament to the commitment of the current administration towards the development and restoration of the state. As the governor himself has stated, "what you are seeing now is only a tip of the iceberg," Cross Riverians can expect more in the area of infrastructure.

With a clear vision for the future, this administration is laying the foundations for a well-developed, organized and prosperous state that we can all be proud of.

The responsibility of building our state does not, solely, rest on the government alone. It requires the collective support and participation of all Cross Riverians. By joining hands with the government, we can work together to rebuild and restore Cross River to its rightful place as a thriving and vibrant state.

Nate Otaba,

Special Assistant on Communication


