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Water Board To Test-Run Water Treatment Plant, Warn Public Not To Use Yet

The Cross River State Water Board Limited (CRSWBL) says it will soon test-run the Water Treatment Plant with the newly installed components, warning the general public not to use yet.

In a press release issued by the Director of Public Relations/Corporate Communications of the Board, Elder Roger Emori said the “quality of the initial water flow will not be fit for domestic use due to rust, since the pipelines have not been used for an extended period.”

While praying the public not to drink, he advised all to monitor supply and keep their taps turned off to avoid any inconveniences while notifying the Board of any leakages in their areas for prompt action.

It reads: “This is to inform the general public that the Cross River State Water Board Limited (CRSWBL) will soon test-run the Water Treatment Plant with the newly installed components. Hence, there will be a public water supply in Calabar Metropolis.

“The quality of the initial water flow will not be fit for domestic use due to rust, since the pipelines have not been used for an extended period of time.

“Therefore, all our customers, clients, and the general public are hereby advised NOT TO DRINK it until an official announcement is made to that effect.

“The public is hereby advised to monitor supply and keep their taps turned off to avoid any inconveniences while notifying the Board of any leakages in their areas for prompt action through the under-listed phone numbers.

Pipeline Maintenance Unit: 08038707271, 08094838885, and 08065030191. Thank you.

By Patrick Obia, The CrossRiverWatch
