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Gov. Otu woos Sillicon Group to set up ICT hubs in the State

Cross River State Governor, Senator Bassey Otu, has charged info tech investors from the United States to take advantage of the large pool of young and active population to establish ICT hubs in the state.

The governor made the call when he received members of the Silicon Products Group during a courtesy visit on him at the temporary Governor’s Office, Calabar.

Otu said that with the increasing advancement in Information Technology for solutions, his administration will continue to support ICT development in the state.

"A technology-friendly government fosters an environment that supports innovation in several ways, which include research and development, encouraging industry partnerships, and most importantly, creating policies and regulations that incentivize innovation.

"God has blessed our state with intelligent people in the area of Information Technology. What we lack are proper ICT hubs for our young and active people to take advantage of. We would love to partner with you in establishing these ICT hubs for proper training of Crossriverians."

The Silicon Valley Product Group (SVPG) is an ICT based company created to share senior level experience and best practices with technology companies and offering services to government as well as training.

Speaking earlier, the team lead, Mr. Christian Idiodi, said they were in the state to share and help build ICT solutions that are beneficial to Africans.

He said the team has held several trainings and seminars aimed at encouraging ICT based solutions for Africans, expressing their readiness to leverage on the governor's invitation to set up a shop in the state.
